Separator for coal mill
Pulverized coal separator is an indispensable separation equipment in the pulverizing system, the role is to separate the unqualified coarse coal, return to the mill in the regrinding, qualified coal for boiler combustion, in addition can adjust pulverized coal fineness, so as to ensure the coal fineness required when the coal variety changes and the mill output changes.
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Centrifugal pulverized coal separator (static separator)
Rotary pulverized coal separator (dynamic separator)
Inertial pulverized coal separator
Double in and double out pulverized coal mill generally adopts centrifugal coal separator
Working principle
From the mixture of air powder coal mill out into a annular space at the bottom of the separator outside vertebral body, because of the cross section expansion speed is reduced, air flow in the pulverized coal under the gravity separation, and the powder tube to return to the mill to manufacture, into the upper part of the separator pulverized coal, through tangential damper to produce rotary motion, under the action of centrifugal force, relatively coarse pulverized coal was dumped by sliding down the wall, the pulverized coal into the outlet pipe, due to a sharp turn inertia force and a part of pulverized coal, qualified pulverized coal was taken away by outlet pipe.
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